Wikipedia Shakespeare Edit-a-thon 2016

Shakespeare and Wikipedia. Two words which belong to highly different circles of learning, while Wikipedia is often mentioned on the blacklist of most teachers, Shakespeare belongs to the highest spheres of learning. Yet, the Hungarian Shakespeare Committee is enthusiastic about bringing Shakespeare into the digital world for Hungarian readers and providing a safe source for…

Zsuzsanna Balázs – The ‘Swiftness’ of Yeats: Italian Fascism, Elitism, and W. B. Yeats’s Swift-Myth

Over the last few months, my research interest has turned towards the examination of the influence of Italian Fascism and authoritarian politics on William Butler Yeats’s oeuvre. I usually discuss this topic with regard to Luigi Pirandello’s and Yeats’s theatre, but this time, I chose to explore this theme in Yeats’s reading of the eighteenth-century…