Authors of the Year 2014

Barczi Tamás
Hi, my name is Tamás, and I am English major student here at Pázmány. I have decided to join this blogging course to outlive my urges for writing. I enjoy researching about utopias and prophetic aspects of science fiction literature. In such books the reader may encounter post-apocalyptic themes and scenery, where the protagonists face their quests in ruined cities, abandoned sewers, burnt down factories. In fact these places provide a very strong atmospheric background to certain scenes. Surprisingly though, these mise-en-scenes exist in the real world too, and there is a sport to explore them. This is called urban exploration or urbex. As you possibly suspect by now, my posts will mostly be about urbex, and scifi, picture posts, book or film reviews, and own short stories. I hope some of these will catch your imagination and lure you into some exploration as well.

Bödecs Rebeka
Dear viewers! I am a second year English major at Pázmány university. Being a somewhat shy and introvert person, I am not overly eager to expose my no doubt extremely valuable thoughts for all to see. However hopefully the opportunity to write and upload movie reviews will help me to become more practiced and confident. I am looking forward to the experience. My passion is reading, yet here I settled for producing movie reviews, more precisely, reviews of movies, which have a written counterpart, which I have not read. Yet! Usually I prefer to read first and watch a film later, because I find that my imagination works much better that way, but this often leads to disappointment concerning book-based films. I am eager to find out what happens if I turn things upside down. So far this method made me read the classics. I am looking forward to share my experiences with you!
Gombás Krisztina
Hi there! I’m Kriszti Gombás, a 22 year-old student with English major and History minor. As a regular theatregoer I’m eager to deepen my knowledge in the field of theatres. Mine main interests are the method of analyzing. For this very reason, dear visitors, here you can find my writings about various stage performances, mainly focusing on musicals. I’m gonna write reviews bringing you the latest theatre news, and giving you a little insight of what exactly Theatre in Education is. If you are fond of theatres, just like me, you are more than welcome to return and read my posts week by week!
Kassai Zita
I am a 23-year-old student currently completing my second year of MA in English Studies at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, and I am working on an essay to be submitted at the next OTDK. The aim of my research is to investigate the notion of writing as deception in William Wycherley’s Restoration comedy The Country Wife, and, in order to introduce my reader to a larger context, to provide a survey of the relevant critical studies written in the last few decades on The Country Wife. In my blog posts I am going to record the various stages of this project, including my struggles with the secondary sources I find in the course of the research.
Labundy Kati
Having finished the BA program in English and American literature in 2012 I am now completing my MA studies in the same field, both following and advancing the main theme of my BA thesis paper, namely the relationship between literature and visual culture with an exclusive attention paid to cinematic adaptations. This term I will be examining women’s experience in Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea and in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre represented on screen while questioning the significance of a male point of view in the rewriting process. I am hoping for a productive next few weeks in this blog and happy to welcome contributions from anyone interested in the project.

Szelényi Annie
My name is Anna Szelényi, and I am an MA student in English studies. As a child, Disney movies, the Grimm’s collected folktales and Andersen’s fairytales played a central role in the way I perceived the world. Nothing has really changed since then, except that through my university studies in English literature I had the opportunity to deal with these stories on an academic level and in the end, as a BA thesis, I chose to write about Lewis Carroll’s Alice novels and the search for identity. In this blog, I would like to continue analysing and gaining better understanding of fairytales and fiction, and to also share these thoughts with those, who similarly cherish their childhood stories.In Neil Gaiman’s latest novel, The Ocean at the End of the Lane, the protagonist poses the following question: “Why [don’t] adults want to read about Narnia, about secret islands and smugglers and dangerous fairies?”